Shop Dealer Awards Program

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You’ve Been A Great Customer This Year. Treat yourself By Shopping from This Incredible Collection of High Quality Items!

If you registered for the Preferred Pump Dealer Awards Program (DAP) and selected the Merchandise Catalog as one of your rewards, you will receive a Merchandise Redemption Order Form and Point Redemption Certificate in mid-Febuary. This certificate will list the number of points you have available to spend on Dealer Awards merchandise that you earned from the previous year (January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021). Contact your local branch for questions regarding your point certificate.


Use this catalog to search for merchandise based on the points you have available. The number of points an item is worth is listed along with the item number of the merchandise, the manufacturer’s model number, the manufacturer’s name, and a brief description. Just select the items you want, filling out the Merchandise Redemption Order Form as you go, and give this form to your salesman or warehouse manager. You can also fill out the form online by clicking the button below.


Did you find something you want but you’re short a few points? No problem! You can buy as many points as you need at just $15/point. Please remember to include a check with your order for the appropriate amount, made out to “Hal Kaufman Company”. And remember – there’s no charge for tax or shipping!


PLEASE NOTE: There was an error in setting the point value for Item #R35G – Electric Bike that was noticed after printing. The cost for this item is 126 points.

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